At the half yearly general meeting of the N.R.V.G.A; held at Ballina Golf & Sports Club recently, it was announced that the Northern Rivers Veteran Golfers Association Executive (N.R.V.G.A.) met with the Northern Rivers District Golf Association (N.R.D.G.A.) with a proposal of sponsoring the N.R.V.G.A. to the sum of $2,500.00. The N.R.D.G.A. agreed and has generously donated the sum of $2,500.00 sponsorship for this year and next year.
The N.R.V.G.A. advised that the funds will go establishing a new travelling club competition based on the 16 Veteran Open Days, to be known as ‘The Vets Interclub Open Day Challenge’.
How it will work.
The best 5 scores from each visiting club, at an Open Day, are added together.
There will be NO ‘Home Course’ advantage. Only travelling clubs to the various Open Days will have points accrued.
Prizes … SPONSORSHIP of $1000.00 is being used to be shared amongst the TOP FIVE NRVGA CLUBS with their respective Accumulated Points.
This will be announced at the AGM in November, with the Winning Club receiving an Engraved Trophy with Club Name. (To be held for Twelve months).
Sponsorship will be used to cover the cost of Trophy and Engraving.
WINNING CLUB will receive $500.00 (20 x $25.00 Gift Cards) to be shared amongst those Vets who TRAVELLED to thus help the Club achieve the Accumulated Stableford Score.
1st RUNNER UP CLUB will receive $250.00 (10 x $25.00 Gift Cards) to be shared amongst those Vets who TRAVELLED to thus help the Club achieve the Accumulated Stableford Score.
2nd RUNNER UP CLUB will receive $100.00 (10 x $10.00 Gift Cards) to be shared amongst those Vets who TRAVELLED to thus help the Club achieve the Accumulated Stableford Score.
3rd RUNNER UP CLUB will receive $80 .00 (8x $10.00 Gift Cards) to be shared amongst those Vets who TRAVELLED to thus help the Club achieve the Accumulated Stableford Score.
4th RUNNER UP CLUB will receive $70.00 (7 x $10.00 Gift Cards) to be shared amongst those Vets who TRAVELLED to thus help the Club achieve the Accumulated Stableford Score.
As this initiative is to help Clubs encourage Veterans to travel to these Veteran Open Days, it is only right, that those Veterans who DO TRAVEL be eligible to SHARE in the PRIZE won by the Club if successful. It is hoped, by your Executive, that a DRAW of “NAMES of your TRAVELLING VETS in the BARREL” be made to reward some winning Club members. To REWARD those who continually travel away to Vet Open Days, the Club could give these Vets multiple Name Entries in the Barrel – 8 Vet Open Days = 8 Chances, and so on.
The Remainder of the Sponsorship Money will be expended on this. Last year associated Expenditure on NRVGA Championships were …
Championship Shirts and Embroidery $600.00
Championship Vouchers $690.00
Trophies and Updates $181.50 TOTAL EXPENSE … $1471.50
So the more players we have available for Open Days the more chances we have in winning more money to be allocated amongst out Vet Members.